Friday, October 15, 2010

Blog Stage 4

In the blog that I read on Thursday October 14th, The Wars on Drugs and Terror: mirror images, Glen Greenwald is discussing his views on how these two wars (on drugs/terror) have many commonalities and how they are both not beneficial to the general public. I think that the author's intended audience is for the population that believes these wars are beneficial and he is trying to open their eyes to what he believes is the truth about the situations.

He believes that both wars are providing people with profit, whether it be private war making industries or the privatized American prison industry. Also, that both of these wars try to depict a type of villain to make the population believe that the war on drugs and terror is for a good reason however that this is just empowering the villains. He believes that these depictions are empowering them because in the situation of the War on Drugs it is ensuring that profits from illegal drug trade remains high and that in the War on Terror it ensures support and followers who may be anti-American.  The view of giving up before "winning" a war is also noticed so that the cycle of both wars seems never ending.

I somewhat agree with this author. I think that he makes valid points about both the War on Drugs and the War on Terror and how it may not be benefiting the general public but may actually be more harmful because we, the general public, are the ones paying for it. However, I do think that all drugs should not be legalized and that some wars on terror are called for but overall everything should be considered and not dragged out if it is not beneficial to the majority of the population of the United States.

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